Hypnosis for new year resolutions


New year resolution

Why not use the power of your mind to take back control of a habit you need to be rid of?

Using hypnosis and other powerful mind techniques you can really boost your will power and begin to look forward to a New You, in the New Year!

Most people will go into the new year with the very best of intentions to take back control of something in their lives where there has been no control. Its also worth remembering that normally by the 9th of January, most people’s resolutions come to an end!! The motivation stops and they return to the same old ways.

So it is important to keep that motivation high and to have a firm and realistic goal set that you can aim towards. It has to be realistic because if the goal is unrealistic, well lets face it, you aren’t going to do it are you?

Create a S.M.A.R.T goal. That is one that is Specific. Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed.

Its important to measure your success in getting to your goal so you know how you are doing and that you can reward yourself along the way. And of course any goal needs to be achievable and realistic or you just give up due to it being too difficult to obtain.


Stop Smoking hypnosis

stop smoking hypnosis







So what can you change about yourself? You may decide that you have had  enough with smoking and that January is the time to follow up on your new years resolution to Quit smoking for good! You can think about all the benefits that stopping smoking would bring to your life? The health benefits… the extra money you have and the enormous sense of pride and achievement in completing your goal.


Weight loss hypnosis

lose weight with hypnosis







Maybe you wish to lose weight? There are two solutions I offer.

1. Weight loss hypnosis with Psychotherapy. This programme helps you identify the emotional reasons for eating and the triggers and high risk situations that lead you to losing control and eating the foods you know you shouldn’t. This may include snacking regularly on stuff that is anything but healthy.

2. Gastric band hypnosis. This approach tackles your eating habits as per above, but also mentally prepares you for having a mental gastric band fitted. The unconscious part of your mind can believe that the fitment of the band has happened and therefore giving you the sensation of fulness as if your stomach was the size of a golf ball.

I adapt both programmes to your needs and change and swap things around rather than just do the same thing for everyone verbatim. This is important in hypnosis. You need to have your needs met, so each session is personalised just for you!

We can also work on exercise motivation too. To get you exercising on a regular basis to help not only with the weight loss, but also with your mental health. It is a well known fact that when we exercise, we feel better emotionally too.


Quit drinking hypnosis

alcohol addiction help







What about giving up drinking for the new year?

Some people wish to stop drinking, and this can be really tough. But if you want it enough, then hypnosis can really help get you the motivation you need to leave behind the booze either for good, or as part of a detox diet or health kick. People who are alcohol dependent may find this a real struggle, so it is important to look deeply into the reasons for drinking and the triggers for it. For example, someone may be extremely stressed and when they drink alcohol, they feel better. This is only temporary and in the morning, not only are you still stressed, but you also feel the after effects of the booze. Waking with a hangover, leading to confusion, brain fog, dizziness and other unwanted feelings.

But people do give up and they feel absolutely great too. So think about what you really want?


There may be something you really want to do in the new year and here is a list of the most popular New Years resolutions.


  • Get fit and healthy
  • Get better mental health – Overcome stress, anxiety or depression
  • Sort out your money issues
  • Change your Job or aim for a promotion
  • Study something new
  • Self Improvement, such as learning and developing
  • See the World
  • Give to Charity or Help a local Charity by volunteering
  • Get in touch with lost friends or make new ones
  • See more of your family or resolve an old fued.
  • Get married
  • Have children
  • Learn a new language


help with addictions

Maybe there is something missing from the list that you really want to do, so have a think and if you need help with your motivation and goal setting/acheivement, then simply drop me a call and we can begin that journey of improving your life.


0800 849 94 94

01925 354 820






weightloss image courtesy of Marin/freedigitalphotos.net
hip flask image courtesy of keeris/freedigitalphotos.net
Thumb image courtesy of Simon Howden/freedigitalphotos.net